Kids Feel Stress Too
For many children, after a stress-free summer of freedom and fun, September and the beginning of school create feeling of anxiety and worry. Who will their teacher be? Will their friends be in their class? Will that grade 12 chemistry class be too difficult and interfere with their ability to go to university? And, for some kids, the fear of is even greater as they anticipate bullying, difficulty learning, or feelings of loneliness.
The following article offers great wisdom on how to develop resilience in children. It isn’t about material possessions, the neighbourhood they live in, or the extracurricular activities they do. Research has shown that the most important factor is the caring support and interest of an adult in some area of their life. It might be a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a coach, or a neighbour, but the adult always sees something special in the child and is willing to invest energy and time in helping them navigate their life. “The committed interest and support of one adult can make a dramatic difference in a child’s life.” Here is the link to the article.
So, whether you are a parent, a grandparent, or a coach, notice the needs and the stress level of the kids in your life as they venture back to school. Listen to their concerns. Be interested in what they are doing. Take time to lend a hand. Pay attention to the signs that they are struggling such as tummy aches, withdrawal, tears, refusal to eat or a craving for more junk food and help them talk about what is on their mind. Rather than be too busy in your own life, take time to step into theirs. Building resilience in children is a gift we can all offer if we take the time to be truly interested in the kids around us.